MRCP Part 1 Revision

Work through the largest bank of MRCP Part 1 questions on the market and Past Papers from recent exams

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Practice for your exams

Elevate your exam performance by working through our Past Papers tailored to reflect the most recent themes from the MRCP Part 1 exam. These papers allow for focused revision and aid in developing effective exam strategies.

Learn the material

Past candidates recommend answering as many practice questions as you can in advance of the exam - by using our resource you'll never run out! Pastest MRCP 1 Question bank is also aligned to the latest exam breakdown.

✓ 7400+ Best of Five questions covering every specialty in the exam

The Pastest Advantage

Experience the Pastest Advantage-our resources are the most relevant and effective tools for medical exam preparation. With a laser focus on aligning our materials with the exact content and format of medical exams, we ensure that students receive the most accurate and up-to-date resources available.

A Practical Guide to the Exam

Join Dr Lasith Ranasinghe, as he presents the ultimate guide to passing the MRCP Part 1. This comprehensive guide covers essential topics: equipment essentials, pre-exam setup, exam day walk-through, insights into the interface, and a personal journey reflection. It's a straightforward resource to help navigate the online MRCP Part 1 experience.

Searchable topic summaries

We have transformed our esteemed 'Essential Revision Notes for MRCP' into our searchable topic summaries - Updated and quality-checked against NICE guidelines. With comprehensive coverage of 250 topics, ranging from Acanthosis Nigricans and Palmaris to Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (and everything inbetween).

Pastest Microlearning
MRCP Part 1 experts

At Pastest, we're MRCP Part 1 exam experts and we're here to help you pass! Our detailed analysis and customer feedback allow us to offer the most accurate MRCP Part 1 revision resource.

Check out our Exam Insights blog for recent exam updates and our Complete Guide for all you need to know about the MRCP Part 1 exam.

About the MRCP Part 1 exam

What is MRCP Part 1?

MRCP(UK) Part 1 is the first of three exams that need to be taken - and passed - to become a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP). The following exams are MRCP Part 2 Written and MRCP 2 PACES. 

MRCP Part 1 Exam Format

The MRCP(UK) Part 1 examination is split into two, three-hour papers taken on the same day. Each paper contains 100 'Best of Five' multiple choice questions.

Of the five answer options in each question, there is one correct answer and four incorrect answers (these are referred to as 'distractors' which are close enough to being the preferred option to be plausible). Each correct answer is awarded one mark; there is no negative marking.

How to apply

The exam takes place three times a year and costs £489 for UK candidates (£655 for International). Applications open two months before each exam - for a full timetable and further application and payment details visit the MRCP(UK) website.

What you think about us

About their Pastest product

I was clueless before starting to prepare for MRCP Part 1, but then I bought the online revision Pastest qbank and I now feel satisfied as to understanding the pattern of the given exam and what are the high yield topics for each branch of medicine.

Dr. Rabia Siddiqui

I strongly recommend Pastest. It helped me build basic knowledge related to MRCP Part 1. Pastest is very helpful, especially diagnosing a disease, to differentiate it from other diseases and to understand clearly the treatment protocol.

Sharmin Khan

I passed MRCP Part 1 Ireland and UK in one attempt and it would not have been possible without Pastest. The Pastest app was my walking, sitting, on the move buddy all the time in my studies for Part 1. I used the past papers to the utmost and I was smiling and writing my exam because I was so sure of my answers and of course I prepared it from Pastest. Thank you Pastest.

Sadaf Shaikh

Pastest MRCP Part 1 is hands down one of the best question banks in the market. More than 5000 questions are available and by the time you get done with all of them, you stop feeling like you don’t know anything. Moreover, I was very grateful that Pastest provides past papers as well. Even the latest past paper was uploaded a week before my actual exam. This allowed me to get an estimate of my score in the actual exam. Overall, Pastest question bank is without a doubt, great value for money. My only regret is not having spent more time going through questions.

Faryal Sarwar Bhatti