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We've recently added dynamic explanations to 392 questions in the Qbank - helping you to learn from every answer choice.
We've recently added dynamic explanations to 392 questions in the Qbank - helping you to learn from every answer choice.
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Our apps enable users to power through 26% more questions than non-app users and this latest release is packed out with exam-format questions, topic-based content, greater performance, enhanced usability and so much more!
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At Pastest we know all there is to know about the Primary FRCA (MCQ) exam - and how to help you pass! This expertise, developed through detailed analysis of each exam sitting and listening to our loyal customers, means we are able to produce the most accurate Primary FRCA (MCQ) revision resource available.
The Primary FRCA (MCQ) is the first of four exams that need to be taken - and passed - to become a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA). The following exams are Primary FRCA OSCE/SOE, Final FRCA Written and Final FRCA SOE.
The exam is three hours long and includes 90 Single Best Answer Questions (SBA). This is broken down as follows: 30 questions in pharmacology; 30 questions in physiology, including related biochemistry and anatomy; and 30 questions in physics, clinical measurement and data interpretation.
Each SBA question has five plausible options. Candidates must decide which is the correct or best answer.
In terms of marking, one mark is awarded for each correctly answered SBA. There is no negative marking in the exam.
The exam takes place three times a year - in February, September and November - and costs £325. Applications open 3-4 months before each exam - for a full timetable and further application and payment details visit the RCOA website.